Automated Performance Analysis
for acquisition and planning

Zeichenfläche 1-Dec-15-2023-09-41-09-8626-AM


As a planner and developer of wind and solar farms, yield is crucial.
Evaluating the performance of your turbines at a potential site at the planning stage and quickly testing different scenarios can be a lengthy process.

This is where we come in.

QUICK CLARITY with Automated Performance Analysis

Our automated analysis offers:

  • Efficiency
    By automating individual process steps, you save time and resources.
    You receive reliable results that enable you to make well-founded decisions.
  • Speed
    Our in-house developed analysis software, which relies on a cloud-based infrastructure, is highly scalable and optimised for
    optimised for the rapid delivery of long-term results in line with industry standards.
  • Precision
    Extensive data analyses and physical models, which take into account factors such as park layout and shading effects, ensure accurate yield forecasts.
    We always work according to the latest scientific findings.
  •  Assessment of uncertainty
    We take uncertainties into account in our forecasts and provide initial information on the accuracy of future yields.
  • Optimisation
    With the knowledge of the yields of your wind and solar assets, you can plan future investments better and more flexibly and optimise your portfolio.



1. Location analysis

We provide a detailed overview of

  • the location
  • terrain characteristics
  • surrounding parks.  
We use this information to estimate the potential for wind energy.

2. Data analysis

With a variety of data sources, including

  • Turbine specifications
  • parking layouts
  • meteorological data sets
we ensure accurate predictions and diligently analyze and process this data to best describe the site and wind profile.

3. Model creation

The analyzed data such as

  • wind speeds
  • wind directions 
  • vertical wind profile
These are incorporated into the model. 
This allows the ideal placement of wind turbines to be determined in order to maximize energy generation.

4. Net income

Our forecasting solution provides all the information you need to fully assess your wind farm.

In addition to the gross yield, we take into account technical losses and environmental requirements for precise net energy yields.


Book an appointment with experts now

For an initial meeting, we need some information about you and would like to get to know you and your project. It's very simple:

  • Choose a date in the calendar (just click on the date and follow the form)
  • Fill in the form fields so that we know how to contact you
  • You will receive your appointment request by e-mail as confirmation of receipt and then our confirmation

We look forward to meeting you (online)!


Use our yield forecasts to quickly make informed decisions for the success of your wind and solar projects.
Renewable energies have special challenges, which we meet with a great deal of experience and innovation to ensure your planning security right from the start.



Historical time series of the energy yield

Historical time series of energy yield based on reanalysis data, allowing a detailed breakdown of energy production over time.

Historical time series of wind data

Historical time series of wind data with which you can analyze the wind patterns and fluctuations at the location.

Combined yield forecasts

Combined yield forecasts for the joint use of photovoltaic and wind energy, for optimum grid utilization.

Additional estimates

For expansion or repowering projects, we can estimate the additional losses caused by the construction of new, larger turbines on existing turbines.



In a dynamic market environment, the partnership-based use of advanced technologies is crucial. This is where 4cast comes into
comes into play. Since 2016, 4cast has been pioneering machine learning-based forecasting methods and automated revenue forecasting.
Through our leading experts, 4cast creates innovative solutions to meet the challenges of the energy transition.

As a planner and project developer, connecting with 4cast opens up quickly accessible, accurate yield forecasts and also the opportunity to benefit from machine learning leadership.

The use of advanced technologies becomes a clear competitive advantage thanks to 4cast's expertise.
Together, we are shaping the future of renewable
energies - precise, sustainable and innovative.

 Book an appointment with experts now

Still have questions? Ask us.